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DWP Work Coach smiling in Jobcentre Plus

Work coaches

A Universal Credit Work Coach can help you if you are preparing for work, moving into work or looking to progress in your job.

When you claim Universal Credit, one of our work coaches will offer you tailored support to improve your chances of finding work.

In the first few weeks of your Universal Credit claim you will see your work coach weekly. They will get to know you, your experience and skills and understand what advice and support you might need so they can help to move you into work.

Jobcentre staff are working closely with local employers to help them fill their vacancies.

Your work coach will:

  • Agree with you at your Claimant Commitment meeting what you are able to do in terms of looking for and finding a job and our expectations on you to deliver on that agreement
  • Talk to you about employers in your area that are recruiting and what kind of people and skills those employers are looking for
  • Job match you to current vacancies
  • Talk to you about transferable skills and address any gaps in your skills
  • Discuss local employers who offer work experience, or the sector based work academy programme (SWAPs) – a good way to try a sector or industry you haven’t considered before
  • Advise you about other websites where you can search for work.

Other advice and support you can expect includes:

There’s additional support to help you move into work:

  • Your work coach will help you understand the financial element of taking a job and how this might affect your Universal Credit
  • If you have a health condition, your work coach will discuss any reasonable adjustments you may need to help you move into work
  • Group sessions may be on offer in your local area to discuss some of the above support.

Further support is available to help you stay and progress in work.  Ask your work coach about: