Employers value the experience and strengths that you bring to the workforce.
Here are some employers explaining why 50 plus people are an important part of their business and the steps they take to support their older colleagues to succeed.

Working in Social Care is a very rewarding career. Often people feel that when they reach the age of 50 they want something different. They don’t want to be confined to an office, with little or no job satisfaction, doing the same thing every day. Instead, they want to give back to their community, helping those less fortunate than themselves, or providing companionship to those who feel isolated and alone. Social Care, especially Domiciliary Care can offer you this change, with job satisfaction and a sense of giving back to others.
Desiree, Group Head of Operations, 1st Homecare

One in four Zurich employees is over 50 and we know they value flexibility. To attract and retain such expertise, all roles are advertised as being available on a part-time or job-share basis. Our people tell us they need time off for caring responsibilities or to travel and enjoy hobbies. Our policies factor this in and include full wellbeing support.
Steve, Chief HR Officer, Zurich Insurance

The RSPCA is proud to proactively recruit, retain and develop workers over 50, and create an age-friendly environment. From our menopause toolkit, pension programme, retirement planning workshops, training opportunities, healthcare support, and flexible working arrangements, these initiatives help our older staff succeed.
Chris, Chief Executive Officer, RSPCA

There is so much untapped talent out there. We are putting all our effort and focus into attracting as many mature workers as we can. They have a great work ethic and so many transferable life skills, it’s amazing.
Chelsea, Recruitment Manager, Alcedo Care

We believe employers can benefit from the experience of over 50s, which is particularly important in this tight labour market. We launched our ReStart programme in 2017 to support older people on their journey back to employment. Participants receive support from Allen & Overy mentors, as well as tailored workshops and coaching. They feel more confident, they recognise and use their skills, and they have strategies to overcome any barriers the face.
Sasha, Global Chief HR Officer, Allen & Overy

At Parkdean Resorts, we have a number of different roles to suit older workers, including maintenance, cleaning, food & beverage and sports & leisure. We also provide flexibility through offering seasonal contracts, shift patterns and weekend working to suit other commitments.
Helen, Head of Talent Acquisition, Parkdean Resorts

At a time of acute skills shortages it is more important than ever to attract and retain an age-diverse workforce. 50+ workers bring a wealth of skills, diverse experience and knowledge which employers should fully harness, supporting inclusive cultures that reflect all parts of society. They risk missing out on these considerable benefits if they are not adopting age inclusive practices.
Peter, CEO, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development