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When you get a response

Accept a job offer promptly  

  • If you’re offered the job, send your acceptance in writing (an email is often fine). It’s usually OK to follow up by phone to discuss the practicalities of starting the job.

Ask for feedback  

  • If you’re not offered the job, it’s important to ask for feedback.
  • Not being offered a job is never pleasant, but you can always learn from the experience so you are better-prepared next time.
  • Knowing what you could improve can help your job seeking. It could be that some work experience, online training or more interview practice is the key to securing your next role.
  • Finding out what you did well and what the interviewers liked is a great confidence-booster.

Looking for a job can be challenging, so it’s important to look after your mental wellbeing, build your confidence and stay motivated.

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