Mark Esho: My name is Mark Esho. I'm the Director of Easy internet Services. We've been recruiting via online interviews for over 12 years. My top tips for acing an online interview. Mark Esho: Number one. I'd actually say, "Be ready, be prepared, make sure you know how the equipment works. Make sure you've got the right lighting, make sure you've got the right sound, make sure there's no background noise." Mark Esho: Top tip number two. Make sure you look smart, dressed up as if you were actually going to meet someone face-to-face. It makes a big difference. Mark Esho: Top tip number three. Make sure you learn how to share screen. Often candidates would like to show their work and I've found in circumstances that they actually don't know how to share their screen. Mark Esho: Top tip number four. Learn how to be comfortable in front of a camera, so what I suggest you do is get your mobile phone or get your digital camera and practice beforehand so you can actually see how you come across on video. I know it might be difficult for some people, but it's definitely worth the efforts that you put a bit of time in beforehand. Mark Esho: Top tip number five. Try to inject a bit of personality into the online interview. Say "hello," at the beginning, say "goodbye," at the end. Watch your body language. Don't sit tense and just trying to let your personality come through so just try to be as relaxed as possible and if you can, smile as well. Mark Esho: So that's my main key advice for anyone actually looking for a job or doing an online interview.